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19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA

Privacy Policy

Information we hold

We collect three main sets of data which we use in different ways:

Artists data

  • (1) Personal information: name, address, email address etc; we store this data and use via email to contact artists
  • (2) Marketing information: exhibition name, opening time, location and artists statement etc.  We deem this information as critical to share publicly to promote artists’ work; if artists provide information that could be classed as personal but that is necessary to promote their work (e.g. their personal email for the public to contact them about their work) then we publish it during the period of the promotion.  Participating artists are advised to consider this when submitting their marketing information.

Trail audience and supporters data

  • (3) Personal information: name, address, email address etc.

We store this data and use via email to inform our supporters of Trail news and events.

Data storage and security

We store data in 3 main repositories on secure, market-leading Cloud hosted solutions:

  • Google Docs
  • MailChimp
  • Our webhosting solution

Copies of the data may, at times, also be held on the personal devices of the Trail Organisers as relevant to the work in hand (e.g. preparation of the Trail Guide or website).

Copies of data set (2) are also submitted to organisations involved in the production of marketing materials (e.g. organisations or individuals who are designing and printing the Guide).


Data sets (1) and (3) are used in our Email Newsletter.  We try to keep mailings to the minimum required to make the Trail a success and take care not to spam subscribers with related promotions.

Consent is considered to have been given by anyone subscribed to the list on the basis that unsubscription is always available (the unsubscribe link is at the bottom of every newsletter sent).

Consent for Data set (2) is deemed to have been given when a submission (generally by web form) for Trail participation is received.  Although we generally use this data to promote the current Trail, we reserve the right to make it available via our website Archive and occasionally to use to promote a future Trail across any of our channels.

Financial data

We do not collect any financial data from Trail participants or donors.  Monies for the Trail are collected using PayPal who provide us with a secure transaction service and from which they provide us with reference data only (ie the amount, reference, name and email address of the payer for each transaction) so we can reconcile the references against amounts received.

Privacy Preferences
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